
Tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues (TIP39) is expressed by neurons in the subparafascicular area, the posterior intralaminar complex of the thalamus and the pontine medial paralemniscal nucleus. TIP39-positive fibers from these areas do not form individual bundles or fascicles, they join other pathways to reach their innervated brain areas. Fibers arise from TIP39 perikarya located in the subparafascicular area and the posterior intralaminar complex of the thalamus could be followed to the hypothalamus. After uni- and bilateral posterolateral surgical deafferentations of the hypothalamus, accumulation of TIP39 immunoreactivity was observed in the fibers caudal to the knife cut, while it disappeared completely rostral to the transection. In serial sections of the forebrain, we could follow TIP39-ir fibers coursing within the zona incerta and the supraoptic decussations. TIP39-positive fibers that join the incerto-hypothalamic pathway reach the medio-dorsal part of the hypothalamus and form moderate to high density networks in the dorsomedial and paraventricular nuclei. The other set of TIP39-positive axons from the subthalamic area join the fibers of the supraoptic decussations and run in an antero-medial direction through the most ventral portion of the hypothalamus up to the retrochiasmatic area, where they crossover. A certain portion of these TIP39-positive fibers terminates in the territories of the arcuate and the medial preoptic nuclei, as well as in the retrochiasmatic area.

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