
Article1 June 1938TUBERCULOSIS IN MEDICAL AND NURSING HOSPITAL PERSONNELJ. ARTHUR MYERS, F.A.C.P., BENEDICT TRACH, HAROLD S. DIEHL, RUTH E. BOYNTONJ. ARTHUR MYERS, F.A.C.P.Search for more papers by this author, BENEDICT TRACHSearch for more papers by this author, HAROLD S. DIEHLSearch for more papers by this author, RUTH E. BOYNTONSearch for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Informationhttps://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-11-12-2181 SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptIn a previous paper1reports were presented on three private hospital schools of nursing in which the students were observed with reference to tuberculosis. The hospital of School I operated a tuberculosis division where every student nurse at some time before graduation was compelled to spend three months. In the hospitals of Schools II and III there was no special division but occasional tuberculous patients were admitted for both diagnosis and treatment. These observations have been continued and have brought about so much enlightenment among the personnel that some of our hospitals are now taking steps to control the disease...Bibliography1. MYERSDIEHLLEESLEVINE JAHSHDI: The evolution of tuberculosis in students of nursing and medicine, Trans. Nat. Tuberc. Assoc., 1934. Google Scholar2. WALLGREN A: Primary pulmonary tuberculosis in childhood, Am. Jr. Dis. Child., 1935, xlix, 1105. Google Scholar3. SMITH CH: The tuberculosis of childhood, ANN. INT. MED., 1935, viii, 1090. Google Scholar4. DIEHLMYERS HSJA: Tuberculosis in college students, Trans. Nat. Tuberc. Assoc., 1936. Google Scholar5. HARRINGTON FE: Personal communication. Google Scholar6. MYERSDIEHLBOYNTONTRACH JAHSREB: Development of tuberculosis in adult life, Arch. Int. Med., 1937, lix, 1. CrossrefGoogle Scholar7. 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Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAffiliations: Minneapolis, Minnesota*Presented in part before the joint meeting of the Philadelphia Medical Society and the Pennsylvania Tuberculosis Association, January 20; the Colorado Tuberculosis Association and the Denver Sanatorium Association, Denver, February 22; the Academy of Medicine, Toledo, Ohio, May 21; the 32nd annual meeting of the American Sanatorium Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 31; and the joint meeting of the Medical Society of the County of Queens and the Queensboro Tuberculosis and Health Association, Jamaica, New York, September 22, 1937.Prepared with the aid of a grant from the Medical Research Fund, University of Minnesota.From the Departments of Preventive Medicine and Internal Medicine, University of Minnesota, and the Lymanhurst Health Center, Minneapolis, Minn. PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics Cited byRisco de infecção pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis entre alunos da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroDiagnostic Problems of Tuberculosis 1 June 1938Volume 11, Issue 12Page: 2181-2205KeywordsHospital medicineNursesPreventive medicineResearch funding Issue Published: 1 June 1938 PDF downloadLoading ...

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