
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the leading causes of death due to its being an infectious disease, caused by the airborne pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb). Approximately one-fourth of the world’s population is infected with latent M.tb, and TB is considered a global threat killing over 4000 people every day. The risk of TB susceptibility and mortality is significantly increased in individuals aged 65 and older, confirming that the elderly represent one of the largest reservoirs for M.tb infection. The elderly population faces many challenges that increase their risk of developing respiratory diseases, including TB. The challenges the elderly face in this regard include the following: decreased lung function, immuno-senescence, inflammaging, adverse drug effects, low tolerance to anti-TB drugs, lack of suitable diagnoses/interventions, and age-associated comorbidities. In order to find new therapeutic strategies to maintain lung homeostasis and resistance to respiratory infections as we age, it is necessary to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms behind natural lung aging. This review focuses primarily on why the elderly are more susceptible to TB disease and death, with a focus on pulmonary function and comorbidities.

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