
The pattern of childhood human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB) infection mirror these epidemics in the adult population. The number of children co-infected with HIV and TB is rising, and the incidence of congenital and neonatal TB is similarly increasing. In addition, the emergence of multidrug resistant TB and extensively drug-resistant TB has occurred within the context of a high prevalence of HIV and TB. The diagnosis of TB has always been difficult in children and is compounded by HIV co-infection. The clinical symptoms in both diseases are similar, and the radiological changes may be non-specific. Treatment of both conditions in children is a challenge due to drug interactions and problems with adherence. In most developing countries, there are few medicines specifically tested and manufactured for children, with few stable syrup formulations. Thus antituberculosis and antiretroviral tablets have to be divided, giving rise to unpredictable dosing and the possible emergence of resistance. To reduce the morbidity and mortality of TB and HIV, existing childhood TB programmes must be strengthened, and antiretroviral drug therapy and mother-to-child transmission programmes scaled up. An increased emphasis on childhood TB, with early diagnosis and treatment, must be a priority. The provision of isoniazid prophylaxis to HIV-infected children exposed to an adult case of TB or, in areas with a high prevalence of TB, to HIV-infected children (irrespective of a TB contact) may be effective in reducing the morbidity and mortality from childhood TB.

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