
Introduction and objectives This research undertakes a comprehensive evaluation of demographic information and medical antecedents, in addition to intraoperative observations, for patients diagnosed with tubal obstruction. Furthermore, we delineate the therapeutic procedures implemented to achieve bilateral tubal patency. The overarching objective of this study is to ascertain the efficacy of the aforementioned therapeutic procedures and to establish an optimal timeframe before the necessity for exogenous intervention becomes apparent. Material and methods This study conducted a retrospective analysis of patients diagnosed with infertility due to tubal obstruction at the Oradea County Clinical Hospital, spanning a six-year period from 2017 through 2022. We evaluated numerous factors, including demographic data of the patients, intraoperative observations, and the exact site of the obstruction within the fallopian tubes. Additionally, we monitored patients post-procedure to assess their potential for fertility following the intervention. Our study involved a comprehensive examination of 360 patients in total. The primary objectives of our research were to provide clinicians with significant insights regarding the likelihood of spontaneous conception subsequent to surgical interventions and to propose guidelines on establishing an adequate waiting period prior to recommending other interventions. We employed a mix of descriptive and inferential statistical methods to analyze the data amassed. Results This study encompassed an initial patient population of 360 included in the study following specific exclusion criteria; the remaining 218 patients constituted the study cohort. The mean±SD age of the patients was 27.9±4.4. Out of the entire cohort, 47 patients presented with minimal adhesions, while 117 patients exhibited blockages in one fallopian tube. A total of 54 patients were diagnosed with bilateral tubal defects. Post-intervention, patients were monitored and it was noted that 63 patients achieved pregnancy. The correlation analysis indicated the significant impact of tubal defect characteristics and patient age on fertility outcomes. The most favorable fertility outcomes were observed to be influenced by factors such as patient age and blockage location, while a higher body mass index (BMI) was found to exert a negative impact on fertility. Temporal analysis revealed that 52 patients conceived within the initial six months post-intervention, whereas only 11 patients became pregnant in the subsequent months. Conclusions Our research indicates that age, parity, and tubal damage severity predict tubal intervention success. Fimbriolysis was the most successful, while outcomes for salpingotomy varied. Conception significantly declined12 months post-intervention, suggesting this is a reasonable waiting limit for a successful pregnancy.

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