
Abstract Introduction LIKERT 4 and 5 lesions picked up on MRI prostate have a high chance of picking up high grade high volume prostate cancer so they under biopsy. It is quite challenging to decide whether to biopsy pure LIKERT 3 lesions. In our retrospective review of 500 prostate MRI scan we looked for correlation between pure LIKERT 3 lesions and the risk of finding prostate cancer after biopsy. Materials and Methods Pre-biopsy Multi parametric MRI prostate was done in 500 cases and reported by two consultant radiologists. 157 mp Prostate MRIs showed one or more pure LIKERT 3 lesions . All 157 cases underwent targeted and saturation biopsies. 91 biopsies (57.96%) out of 157 were benign. 66 biopsies (42%) out of 157 showed prostate cancer. Gleeson score is shown in the table below Conclusion 157 cases with pure LIKERT 3 lesions on MRI prostate 58% were benign. 42% who had positive biopsies low and intermediate risk i.e. Gleeson 6 or 7 (95.4%) prostate cancer was found. High grade prostate cancer i.e. Gleeson 8 and 9 was seen in 3%. Patients with pure LIKERT 3 lesion on mp MRI prostate should be counselled about the risks of finding prostate cancer, likely grade to help them make an informed decision about PSA monitoring only or undergo prostate biopsies.

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