
This paper describes the results of a comprehensive analysis for tsunami disaster mitigation in Padang City, Indonesia. Assessment consists of several steps, starting from the construction of tsunami hazard maps based on the most probable earthquake scenario in the future. Results are then analyzed to determine the impact on residential population along potential evacuation routes. Next, from the standpoint of hazards, we move to the analysis of human’s vulnerability during evacuation. The term “vulnerability” is associated with available evacuation time. Here, we conducted a static evacuation model using the GIS platform and a dynamic approach using multiagent paradigm. Results of evacuationmodeling suggest that some residents may not have enough time to leave the tsunami inundation area before the first wave comes. We therefore propose using relatively high buildings as vertical evacuation sites. One of potential candidates that survived from a devastated earthquake with 7.6 Mw in 2009 is selected to be further analyzed its antiseismic deficiencies based on design ground motion obtained from micro-tremor analysis and synthesized recorded wave in Padang. As a result, even though the building underwent some damage, the frame structure was able to withstand the shaking and keep the building from collapsing.

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