
Introduction 1. 'Without a Harmonising Medium': Eliot in 1919, and Contemporary Criticism of Early Modern Drama 2. 'I am not all Heere': Donne, Marlowe, 'disintegration', and the Development of Dramatic Lyricism by Eliot 3. 'Signs Never Come Amiss': Early Modern Voices in Eliot's collected poetry to Poems, 1920 4. 'Ideas, and the Sensibility of Thought': The Quest for a Metaphysical Poetry 1920-22 5. Cryptograms: The Waste Land, Sweeney Agonistes, and 'The Hollow Men' 6. 'The Pattern Behind the Pattern': Ash-Wednesday, the Ariel poems, and 'Coriolan' 7. Towards a New Dramatic Articulation: The Rock and Murder in the Cathedral 8. 'A Fusion, in Sympathy of Antipathy': Four Quartets and the Late Plays

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