
The family Trypanosomatidae reunites a great number of species which parasite several organisms, among them, chiropterans, which may act as reservoirs. The present study aimed at demonstrating the occurrence of trypanosomatids in the blood of phyllostomids from Perobas Biological Reserve, Parana, Brazil. The capture of the animals was performed with the aid of mist nets in July and August, 2008. The bats were contained manually and for the parasite analysis, a small drop of blood was collected in order to prepare imprint samples which were fixed in absolute methanol. In the laboratory, the slides were stained by the method of Giemsa, observed and photographed with the aid of a light microscope. Fifteen positive results were found out of 33 animals captured. Five of the species captured, Artibeus lituratus, Artibeus fimbriatus, Artibeus planirostris, Artibeus obscurus and Sturnira lilium presented trypanosomatids. Only two species did not have positive slides, Carollia perspicillata and Pygoderma bilabiatum. The species with positive slides have a diversified diet, including the ingestion of insects, which may facilitate the infection. These results contribute with information about the occurrence of these blood parasites in bats since studies about the subject in Brazil are scarce.

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