
Self-Access Centre’s (SACs) which facilitate autonomous learning are becoming more prevalent in higher education institutions (Morrison and Navarro, 2012). A new educational role entitled ‘Learning Advisor’ is becoming more commonplace also. Learning Advisors (LAs) have advising sessions with learners, usually one to one. During these sessions an Intentional Reflective Dialogue (IRD) takes place. This IRD is an interaction intentionally aimed at promoting autonomous and transformational learning within the learner (Kato, 2012). This paper is a reflection of the author’s first advising session with a learner conducted via Zoom, the teleconferencing platform. The session focuses on three ‘advising strategies’ selected by the author, chosen in an attempt to reflect on the author’s ability to use them effectively as an advisor. As research on advising has been relatively scarce (Kato & Mynard, 2016), the author intends this paper to add to the field of literature on first-time advising sessions. The author concludes that reflecting upon the session enabled him to understand the session in greater depth as well as understand educational roles from different perspectives.

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