
Phishing website is a fraudulent attempt that aims to redirect computers’ users to the spoofed websites rather than the actual ones. The spoofed webpage looks similar to the genuine one, which is typically created to redirect the credential and confidential information of a user who visited a spoofed page to the hackers. This fraudulent attempt is primarily to obtain users' confidential information such as username, password and financial accounts numbers. Phishing attack threats have no limit as they could exceed hijacking conventional cyber ecosystems to cover intelligent systems, which emerged recently for the use within Smart Cities. This chapter therefore develops a real time system inspired from honeybee defence mechanisms in nature for filtering phishing website attacks in Smart Cities (PhishFree). In particular, the proposed system PhishFree filters phishing websites through three main phases of investigation: PhishTank-Match (PM), Undesirable-Absent (UA) and Desirable-Present (DP) investigation phases. The PM phase is used at first in order to check whether the requested URL is listed in the blacklist of PhishTank database. While the UA phase is used for investigation and checking the absence of undesirable symbols in Uniform Resources Locators (URLs) of the requested website. Finally, the DP phase is used as another level of investigation in order to check the presence of the requested URL in the desirable whitelist. The obtained results show that PhishFree is deployable and capable to filter various types of phishing website with maintaining a low rate of false alarms.

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