
Electronic personal health records (ePHR) are web-based tools that enable patients to access their personal health data. Since the data in PHR are systematized, they can be used in scientific research with the patient's consent. Despite the potential benefits of using ePHR, their adoption in Croatia remains low. Multiple factors are influencing the use of PHR and willingness to share personal health data (PHD). The purpose of this paper was to determine familiarity with the e-health system among Croatian citizens, trustfulness in the system itself, and willingness to share PHD with physicians or researchers. Results showed that 34% of respondents use ePHR, and have less confidence in the electronic system than doctors' confidentiality. However, health professionals have lover trust in doctors' confidentiality compared to non-health workers. Respondents rated mental health data and STD data as most sensitive but are overall willing to share that data with doctors and researchers.

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