
The growth of Business-to-Business (B2B) e-Markets provides Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) with a great opportunity to expand their business. However, SMEs are encountering many uncertainties and challenges in these new e-Business relationships. Trust building is strategically important for them to enter, develop and maintain e-Business relationships. This paper presents part of the research work on trust building for SMEs undertaken in the SEEMseed project (Study, Evaluate, and Explore in the Domain of the Single Electronic European Market). By investigating the general trust building mechanisms in business networks, inter-organizational relationships, e-Business, and among SMEs, this study develops a conceptual model for trust building in the SEEM (Single Electronic European Market), which forms a baseline for the trust building study in the SEEMseed project. Some of the initial findings of this study regarding the risks facing SMEs for trust building in the SEEM are also presented.

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