
Trumpet Festival in Guca, or The First Trumpet of Dragacevo, which was the initial name of this event, becomes a kind of a brand of Serbia as a tourist destination. Every year this festival is visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists from Serbia and abroad, and brass trumpet bands from around the world. As the Trumpet Festival is among the most important events of 2426 categorized events in Serbia, the survey is conducted in order to determine the differences of the visitors relating to the demographic and socioeconomic indicators: gender, age and educational structure. Motivation and expectations of tourists, visitors of the events similar to the Trumpet Festival in Guca can be characterized as a fairly uniform and specific. The mass musical events which include Trumpet Festival in Guca, Exit Festival in Novi Sad, and many other festivals of this kind, have almost identical client?le and principles of behavior of visitors during the events. When analyzing the results of the survey, one should take into account the structure of the sample, which shows that most respondents were in the age group of 20-29 and 30-39 years of age, the majority of the respondents were men, and that high educational level is the dominant segment (up to 53,5% of respondents were with college and university degree and 42% with secondary education). The fact is that the most of Guca visitors come from the territory of Serbia and the diaspora. Also, visitors of these events generally do not show any significant interest in other attractive tourist facilities in the vicinity or in the local area, and very few visitors of the event stays after the end of festival and after the official program of the festival. On the basis of the evaluation of the Trumpet Festival in Guca done by visitors, it can be concluded that this event is generally perceived as a high-quality event, it is of great national importance and has the real potential for further development of tourism in this region.

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