
Person re-identification is an important task in forensics applications. Most existing person re-identification methods focus on matching persons captured by different true-color cameras. In practice, the captured pedestrian videos may be grayscale in some cases due to camera malfunction or special treatment for gray mode. In these cases, the person re-identification between true-color and grayscale pedestrian videos, which we call color to gray video person re-identification (CGVPR), will be needed. Since the color information that is very important to represent a pedestrian is usually intensity information and monochrome in grayscale videos, the CGVPR problem is very challenging. To relieve the difficulties in CGVPR, we propose an asymmetric within-video projection based ${S}$ emi-coupled ${D}$ ictionary ${P}$ air ${L}$ earning (SDPL) approach. SDPL simultaneously learns two within-video projection matrices, a pair of true-color and grayscale dictionaries, as well as a semi-coupled mapping matrix. The learned within-video projection matrices can make each video (true-color or grayscale) more compact. The learned dictionary pair and the mapping matrix can work together to bridge the gap between features of true-color and grayscale videos. To date there exists no true-color and grayscale pedestrian video dataset, so we contribute a new one, called true- ${c}$ olor and ${g}$ rayscale ${v}$ ideo person re- ${i}$ dentification ${d}$ ataset ( CGVID ). Our dataset is collected under a real-world scenario and consists of over 50K frames. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that the collected CGVID dataset is very challenging and can be used for further research on person re-identification. The experimental results show that our approach outperforms the compared methods on the CGVPR task.

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