
This monograph is a study of 439 cases of brain tumor, of which 229 presented mental troubles of one sort or another. The main justification for publishing the study is the fact that all of the patients were examined by the two authors, who have long been attached to the neurosurgical center of the psychiatric hospitals of the Seine. The symptoms were divided in three groups: (1) confusional demential states, (2) troubles of mood and character, and (3) paroxysmal. The first group includes conditions usually described under such names as obnubilation, torpor, confusion, stupor, and dementia. The second group includes irritability, emotional lability, depressional, hypomanic, and hysterical states. The paroxysmal disorders include hallucinations, hallucinosis, dreamy states, losses of consciousness, psychomotor automatisms, etc. The detailed study of the 229 cases according to localization occupies 84 pages. This section contains many figures, which it is impossible to summarize here; these are later

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