
In the adolescence, period of the existence in the course of which the physical and psychic modifications are considerable, it is hardly always easy to be able to put into words apprehensions and incomprehensions. The body can then serve as vector, even release of the unspeakable connected in the multiple new and potentially stressful experiences, which the teenager realizes. It is frequent that we speak about psychosomatic phenomena when the demonstrations of the body and the spirit are confidentially connected. One of the possible expressions presented to the adolescence consists in the diverse modalities of the disturbances of the sleep. After a brief reminder of sleeping disorders in the adolescence and their understanding, we shall evoke a clinical label to develop a reflection on some marks at the level of the therapeutic support. It is from our experience within a unit of psychiatry of connection in a general hospital that we shall discuss an original model of pedopsychiatric care psychosomatic phenomena.

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