
Reporting on the clinical characteristics of adolescent sex offenders treated in a specialised outpatient unit of the Parisian region, the authors describe the clinical and psychodynamic profiles of this population. They develop a theoretical model based on the notion that sexual offences in minor adolescents are produced by a conjunction of three processes: 1) difficulties in integrating sensations due to puberty; 2) problems in modulating emotions and 3) dysfunctions in the normal ability for action. The authors develop a treatment model associating group and individual therapy, together with a thourough netting of the family and social context. The group focuses on a common creative activity (the making of a movie for instance) leading the adolescents to interact and team work, and individual sessions are focused on the expression of their thoughts and feelings. The main objectives are to help the adolescents in overcoming their inhibitions of action, better monitoring their emotions and developing a better sense of self. This intervention model seems to yield good results.

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