
North Kalimantan Province has the third largest tropical peatlands in Kalimantan Island. Despite this, a detailed data on the characteristics, extent, and carbon stock of tropical peatlands in North Kalimantan is currently not available. Therefore, BBSDLP has carried out a semi-detailed peatlands mapping on Nunukan and Tana Tidung Regencies and Tarakan City, North Kalimantan Province. Peat soil mapping refers to SNI 7925:2019, scale of 1:50,000. The study found that peatlands in North Kalimantan covered about 216.944 ha, with the majority extent in Tana Tidung Regency (71.512 ha), followed by Nunukan Regency (142.198 ha) and Tarakan City (3.233 ha). Peatlands in this area occupied fluvio-marine (B) and peat (G) landforms, with hemic and sapric decomposition levels, and a depth of 50 - < 700 cm (shallow to extra very deep). Substratum layer, i.e. mineral soils, comprised of clay to sandy clay soil texture. According to the Indonesian Soil Classification system, peat soil in the research area was categorized as Organosol Saprik, Organosol Hemik and Organosol Fibrik. Estimated carbon stock was about 328.80 M tons C, with an average of 1.516 tons ha−1. With this large figure, the results emphasize the importance of peatlands for land use and spatial planning.

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