
This study evaluated the bioconcentration metrics, organ-specific distribution, and trophic consequences of silver nanoparticles along a Dunaliella salina-Artemia salina-Poecilia reticulata food chain. To this end, accumulation, tissue-specific distribution, bioconcentration and biomagnification factors, and trophic toxicity of AgNPs were quantitatively investigated along di- and tri-trophic food chains. Overall, silver accumulation increased markedly in intestine and liver tissues, carcass, and embryos of guppy fish with rising exposure concentrations and reducing trophic levels. Following trophic and waterborne exposure, AgNPs illustrated a regular tendency in following order: intestine > liver > embryos > carcass. BCF displayed values of 826, 131, and ≈ 1000 for microalgae, brine shrimp, and guppy fish, respectively. Moreover, BMF showed values <1.00 for 48-h post-hatched nauplii and guppy fish received AgNPs-exposed phytoplankton, yet >1.00 for the liver and whole body of guppy fish treated with AgNPs-exposed nauplii through algae and water, indicating that AgNPs could be biomagnified from the second to third trophic level, but not from the first to second or third levels. Furthermore, the waterborne and trophic exposure of AgNPs considerably induced oxidative stress and reproductive toxicity. Together, this study demonstrated that AgNPs could be biomagnified across trophic chain and consequently cause trophic toxicity.

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