
Ecological studies of species, such as the stomach content analysis, allow us to recognize different trophic groups, the importance of trophic levels and the interrelationships among species and other members of the community. In this investigation, we studied food habits, feeding variation and trophic relationships of the fishes present in streams of the Corral de San Luis drainage, Tubará, Atlántico Department, a part of the lower Magdalena River Basin in Colombian Caribbean. Fish samples of Awaous banana, Agonostomus monticola, Andinoacara latifrons, Hyphessobrycon proteus, Poecilia gillii, Gobiomorus dormitor and Synbranchus marmoratus were obtained using a seine (2x5 m, mesh 0.5 cm), from November 2012 to October 2013. To analyze their stomach contents, we used numeric (% N), volumetric (% V) and frequency of occurrence (% FO) methods, an emptiness coefficient (C.V), index of food item importance (I.A). Besides, physical and chemical habitat parameters were recorded on site. Information obtained was processed using multivariate statistical analysis, ecological indices, and null models: canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), principal component analysis (PCA), trophic niche amplitude (Shannon-Weaver H´) and trophic overlap (Morisita-Horn). We observed significant differences on food resources consumption (K-W= 20.86; p<0.05) among the studied species. They were classified according to their food habits as omnivores with a tendency towards insectivory (A. monticola H´0.60; A. latifrons H´0.43), herbivores with a tendency towards the consumption of algae (A. banana H´0.50; P. gillii H´0.54) and carnivores with a tendency towards insectivory (H. proteus H´0.23); benthic invertebrates and microalgae were found the most important food sources. A total of 65 food items were identified in this study: 21 for A. banana (2 unique, 19 shared), 40 for A. monticola (21 unique, 19 shared), 19 for A. latifrons (5 unique, 14 shared), 6 for H. proteus (1 unique, 5 shared) and P. gillii with 28 (4 unique, 24 shared). The canonical correspondence analysis showed that water conductivity, salinity and pH were the variables that directly influenced fish community structure at the sampled sites. The null model analyses showed that the group of fishes was significantly segregated (p= 0.001) along the trophic axis, with respect to shared food items, and that the segregation was not influenced or generated by competition. The Morisita-Horn index showed false trophic overlap (similarity of about 80 %) between A. banana and P. gillii. The first component of the PCA analysis was explained mainly by phytoplankton, and component two was correlated with items of animal origin. The fishes associated with PC1 were P. gillii and A. banana, with high ingestion values of microalgae. PC2 was explained by A. monticola with high numbers of food items of animal origin. The group of fishes studied behaved as an assemblage; given that the trophic interrelationships showed false trophic overlap, and that they did not exclude one another from the ecosystems, but instead, used different food resources and different physical spaces within their habitat.


  • La alimentación es una de las dimensiones principales del nicho y los análisis tróficos permiten observar las características del nicho trófico en cada especie (Krebs, 1998)

  • Este tipo de análisis generalmente han sido enfocados a especies de interés económico, y han ignorado a aquellas sin aparente importancia comercial, pero útiles en el funcionamiento ecológico del hábitat

  • Según la composición de su dieta Andinoacara latifrons es omnívora con tendencia a insectívora, donde dominó el consumo animal (insectos, moluscos, crustáceos, restos de peces), mientras los ítems de origen vegetal fueron escasos, principalmente por algas filamentosas Microsphora sp

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Área de estudio: El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en los arroyos presentes en la vereda del Corral de San Luis en el municipio de Tubará, ubicada al noreste del departamento del Atlántico, Cuenca del bajo MagdalenaColombia (10°53’59.26” N - 74°59’49” O). Seguidamente, se empleó Kruskal-Wallis (K-W) para observar la significancia estadística de las diferencias de la dieta consumida entre las especies de peces, así mismo, entre tallas, sexo y periodo hidrológico en cada especie, por medio del programa Past 3.0. Los datos (dieta, variables fisicoquímicas y abundancia de peces) fueron estandarizados y con el programa Past Versión 3.0, se realizaron los tratamientos multivariados: un estudio exploratorio con Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP), para determinar agrupamientos de las especies que utilizan los mismos recursos tróficos. Posteriormente, se usaron modelos nulos por medio del programa EcoSim (Gotelli & Entsminger, 2006), con el fin de evaluar si el patrón de solapamiento de nicho con respecto al eje trófico (ítems alimenticios) y distribución espacial en la columna de agua donde las especies explotan el recurso, divergen significativamente de una distribución aleatoria (ausencia de solapamiento). CUADRO 2 Grupos de ítems alimenticios que constituyen la dieta general del ensamblaje de peces en los Arroyos del Corral de San Luis, Bajo Magdalena, Caribe, Colombia

Bacillariaceae Cocconeidaceae
Materia Orgánica
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