
Nonnative trout invasions have caused the widespread decline of cutthroat trout popu- lations in western North America. In contrast to other nonnative salmonids, the role of nonnative brown trout in native cutthroat trout decline is poorly understood. Specifically, the level of eco- logical similarity that occurs between these spe- cies and the importance of other trophic mechanisms (e.g., predation) in their interactions are key uncertainties. We evaluated the trophic relationships of brown trout and cutthroat trout in a northern Utah river using a combination of diet and stable isotope analyses. We compared the dietary habits of these two species using multiple and complementary measures. Based on both stomach contents and d 13 C signatures, we found that these species consumed a similar and oppor- tunistic diet (i.e., they were nonselective in their foraging patterns). However, at most sizes, brown trout ingested larger prey—including fishes—and occupied a higher relative trophic position (i.e., d 15 N) than cutthroat trout. Overall, these results demonstrate a high degree of dietary similarity and therefore strengthen earlier conclusions regarding interspecific competition between these two species. Our study, when considered along- side the work of others, suggests there is potential for predatory interactions between these species (i.e., brown trout preying on small cutthroat trout). We believe that future research on brown trout-cutthroat trout interactions should consider predatory effects in greater detail.

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