
Materials collected during 28 bottom trawl surveys on the shelf and continental slope of Kamchatka and Northern Kuriles from 1996 to 2019 were basicaly used for the research. Analysis of 1980 trawl catches was made, where saffron cod was found. In examined waters off Kamchatka and Northern Kuriles saffron cod coexixted with species from 11 faunistic complexes and 7 ichthyocenes. Maximum similar species compositions of fish communities (>80% similarity) coexisting with saffron cod were obsered among communities in geographically adjacent areas, including Northern Kuriles – Southeastern Kamchatka and Northwestern Kamchatka – Southweatsern Kamchatka. Maximum differences in the fish fauna (<60% similarity) were revealed between districts strongly different in width of their continental shelf: Northwestern Kamchatka – Northern Kuriles and Northwestern Kamchatka – Southeaster Kamchatka. Depending on heat content in different years saffron cod was in the company of different, typical elittoral fish species – Pacific cod, walleye pollock or yellowfin sole. It was found based on the published and observed data, that saffron cod forage competitors and forage objects in most cases belong to elittoral group of the broad-boreal Pacific Ocean faunistic complex.

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