
The results of the study of trophic relations between nectar-feeding adult wasps and flowering plants in the Crimea are given. In 2002–2009, a total of 55 wasp species were observed on flowers of 74 plant species belonging to 25 families. The highest number of plant species was visited by Polistes dominulus (36), Ancistrocerus nigricornis (18), Polistes nimphus (16), P. gallicus (13) and Dolichovespula sylvestris (13); these plants belonged to the families Apiaceae (15), Lamiaceae (10), Scrophulariaceae (8), Rosaceae (8) and Asteraceae (7). Plants of the families Scrophulariaceae, Apiaceae, Lamiaceae, Rosaceae, and Fabaceae were visited by 25, 24, 22, 11, and 11 wasp species, respectively. Other plant families were visited by 10 or less wasp species. The highest number of wasp species were observed on flowers of Scrophularia umbrosa (22), Mentha longifolia (12), Bupleurum fruticosum (10), Laserpitium hispidum (10), Koelreuteria paniculata (10), Sambucus ebulus (10), Dorycnium herbaceum (9), Foeniculum vulgare (8), Limonium platyphyllum (7), Torilis arvensis (7), Marrubium peregrinum (7), Butomus umbellatus (7), Eryngium campestre (6), Cynanchum acutum (6) and Scrophularia scopolii (6). One to five wasp species were recorded on flowers of plants belonging to other families. Two wasp species (Polistes nimphus and Vespula germanica) were registered as visitors of the nectarless flowers of the orchid Steveniella satyrioides.

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