
Derivatives ending in ttele are used with a passive meaning in the Kven dialects of Porsangerand Nordreisa. This use is a result of language contact with Sami. As in the Sami model ofadversative passive, these Kven passive derivatives express an unfavorable event. They areused with a subject argument which has a semantic role as a patient or experiencer andan agent expressed in the allative case. However, not many verbs have gone through thissemantic change. This semantic change illustrates innovative language use among bilinguals.Both second language learners, such as those described by Siitonen (1999) but also bilingualsinterpret linguistic phenomena they encounter in one language based on the knowledge oflanguages they already know. However, while multilinguals create innovations, only thoseinnovations that are accepted by the entire speech community become permanent.

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