
Abstract: Troid is a real-time multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS) game designed to be played on a web browser without the need for a high-end PC or dedicated graphics card. The game allows two players to join a room and engage in a fast-paced, action-packed gameplay experience. The purpose of Troid is to provide a high-quality FPS game that can be enjoyed on any device with a modern web browser and an internet connection, regardless of hardware specifications. Unlike most FPS games that require high-end hardware to run smoothly, Troid is optimized for minimal requirements. Troid's front-end is built using a reactive web framework that facilitates the creation of fast and interactive user interfaces, while the game's graphics and animation are created using a 3D graphics library. Real-time communication between players is facilitated using a reliable real-time communication library, and an in-memory data store is utilized to store player coordinates and other in-game data. Overall, Troid exemplifies the potential of creating highquality multiplayer games that can be played on any device with a modern web browser and an internet connection, without compromising on the gameplay experience.

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