
Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases are among the factors that cause the emergence of the insurance concept that forms the basis of Social Security Systems. Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases, which are included in the occupational risk group as one of the oldest branches of the Social Security system, pose a threat not only to the insured and businesses, but also to the actuarial balance of the Social Security Systems. The increase in the acceleration in work accidents and occupational diseases not only harms individual and social health, but also negatively affects working life, and also imposes an economic burden on Social Security Systems. The loss of workincome and social life of the casualty, the material and moral effects of the accident on the community, the damages it causes to the working life and businesses, as well as the effects on Social Security Systems reveal the necessity of examining work accidents and occupational diseases separately under each heading. In this study, the effects of work accidents and occupational diseases on the Turkish Social Security System were examined in terms of events in the construction sector.

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