
The political or state institution is usually shaped by the social structure. From time to time Even if is experienced practices contrary to the social structure, they are often unsuccessful. It is a fact that today women in Turkey are underrepresented in politics. This has originated the structure of the Turkish society which has formed in the historical process to a great extent. In the ancient Turks of Central Asia women are considered to be relatively more visible in politics than in later periods. At least, it is known that all the assumptions of the kagan are also with his wife. However, during migration from Central Asia to Anatolia at the end relation to many cultures and civilizations, it is thought to be a contraction woman in social life and accordingly the political appearance. Aside from this discussion available to be assessed differently f rom t he p oint o f v iew o f t he t opic, i n t hat p eriod, it is certain that there is a decline in women's political activities throughout the World. This issue can be handled economically, educationally, religiously and culturally. On the other hand, it can be explained only by knowing the nature of the social structure. In the Ottoman Empire Beginning women's rights movements that are Western influenced. Hawever, women were able to obtain the right to vote and to be elected in the first period of the Republic. On the other hand, they have never reached the desired level of representation due to the reasons caused by the traditional structure of Turkish society. More economic freedom achieved by women entering business life and the increase in education level of women, although it did provide a partial improvement in this regard, the characteristic of the Turkish society structure that has formed in the long history process continues to constitute the central and obstacle point of concern. This study, which will be discussed in this sense, it will focus on the relationship between women's representation in politics in Turkey and Turkish society structure.


  • Aydınlanma ile birlikte geleneksel hayat tarzlarının daha derinden sorgulanmaya başlanmasıyla, kadının toplumdaki veya yönetimdeki rolü ve statüsü de değişmeye başlamıştır

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  • Kadının siyasetin her alanında bir reklam, bir süs olarak değil, çok başarılı hizmetler edebileceği samimiyetiyle hakkı olan siyaset alanına bulunmasının erkekler tarafından kabul edilmesi gerekmektedir

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Sociological Dimensions of Missing Political Representation of Women in Turkey

The political or state institution is usually shaped by the social structure. From time to time Even if is experienced practices contrary to the social structure, they are often unsuccessful. Yüzyılda Türkiye’nin de içinde bulunduğu dünyanın önemli kısmında kadın, seçme-seçileme hakları dâhil pek çok eşit haklara kanunen sahip olmuşsa da, sorun, kadınların hukuk tarafından belirlenmiş olan haklarının sosyal ve özellikle de siyasal hayatta ne kadar kullanabildikleridir. Süreç içerisinde Türk kadının sosyal hayattan ve siyasetten evine veya hareme çekilme anlayışı, Fars, Arap ve Bizans kültürlerinin bir etkisi olarak Türk kültürüne girmeye başlamıştır (Sucu, 2005: 22). Osmanlıda İstanbul’un fethinden sonra, İslam dininin ortaya koyduğu yüce bir varlık olarak kadın-erkek insan modeli, teoride kabul edilmişse de, uygulamada yerleşik kültürlerin de etkisiyle pek uygulama zemini bulamamıştır. Bir yandan kadına daha çok haklar sunarken, diğer yandan da tekrar kadını erkeğin gözünde korunması gereken zayıf varlık olarak bakılmasına sebep olabilecek ironik bir durumu da ortaya çıkarma potansiyeli taşımaktadır

Türk Kadının Siyasal Temsil Durumu
Milletvekili Sayısı
Mahalle İhtiyar Heyeti Üyesi
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