
This paper exemines the changes of the context of emprical studies in the area of urban sociology in Turkey. The ‘gecekondu' areas emerged in metropolitan areas, in the Republican period, became the first subject matter of scholars interested in this topic. The emprical studies started in 1950's included themes such as, ‘gecekondu' studies, definition of ‘gecekondu', demographical structure of ‘gecekondu', typology of families, underdevelopment and urbanisation, integration to urban areas, relationship of the industry and the labor force and attitudes of ‘gecekondu' residents regarding the city. In 1990's commercialization of ‘gecekondu' and the problems of the ‘varos' ( slum areas) have came to agenda. Gradually, researchers' interest shifted to the issues of poverty, blight zone, and gentrification. Within the matters of global city framework, Istanbul and Istanbullites as well as emerging upper class living areas have been subjects of interest in this period. As a result, we can say that, emprical urban studies beginning with the problem of ‘gecekondu' settlements are now much more diversified. This issue shall be evaluated as a reflection of differentiations in social processes in urban space.

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