
In recent years, changes in consumption habits, demand for natural products and more slower and e njoyable life approach support the development of sustainable projects and practices. Conse quently, concepts of “slow food” and “cittaslow” have been arised. Cittaslow movement has been founded as a unity that people are in contact with each other; social, sustainable; protecting nature, culture and handcrafts; without having infrastructure problem; using renewable energy resources; evaluating the cities which take advantage of technological facilities. Today, 235 cities from 30 diffe rent countries are the member of this unity. In this study, the user comments in tripadvisor.com of “Ye di Bilge le r Hote l and Wine house”, the first and only “Frie nd of Cittaslow” in Turke y, which has adopte d cittaslow movement’s philosophy and have been operated according to its principles have been analysed. The purpose of the study is to examine on which subjects users comment most and whether these comments are relevant to cittaslow and its principles or not. Content analysis method is use d and the use r’s comments related to the hote l cate gorized into 6 title. It has been observed that the most comments were made in the cate gory of “Food and Be ve rage”.

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