
In Turkish and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Labour law, employers and employees have the right to form a collective labour agreement with the purposes of defining bilateral conditions of employment, or amending their economic and social status. This right has vested within the Constitution of Republic of Turkey Article 53(1) under the title of Socio economic rights and duties for Turkish Labour law, and for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Labour Law it has vested within the the Constitution of TRNC Part II Article 54(1) under the title of Socio economic rights and duties. The institution of collective labour agreements is regulated under the Law of Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining Agreements enumerated as 6356 in Turkish Labour Law, under the Collective Bargaining Agreements, Strikes and Referendums Act No 42/96 in TRNC Labour Law. In this research, a comparative analysis has been formed including similarities and differences of both countries within the field of application for collective labour agreement after the concept of collective labour agreements has been briefly examined as an institution in Turkish and TRNC Labour Law.

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