
This article offers a limited evaluation of the literature on Turkish modernization (TurkModernlesmesi Literaturu) with reference to Eurocentrism. In this regard, the article first starts withan analysis of the titles of the basic works in the literature. After this evaluation, the paradigms thathave a certain weight and effectiveness in the field will be discussed. The conflict paradigm will bediscussed first, and, here, Bernard Lewis’ and Niyazi Berkes’ works will be analyzed as examples. Basicassumptions of the conflict paradigm will be discussed and their relation with Eurocentrism willbe explained. The conflict paradigm argues that there is a definite opposition and complete breakbetween the Ottoman and Republican periods. It also adopts a top-down historical approach whenmaking this argument. Next, we will look at the integration paradigm, which offers alternative argumentsto the conflict paradigm. Erik Jan Zurcher’s work will be analyzed as a representative exampleof the integration paradigm, and the points where his work differs from the Eurocentrist ones inthe Turkish modernization literature will be explained. In contrast to the conflict paradigm, Zurcherstresses the continuity between the Ottoman and Republican Modernization period, and opens upa space for the history-from-below approach. Finally, this article discusses the opportunities thatthe history-from-below approach provides the Turkish literature on modernization for reducing thedominance of Eurocentrism. In this regard, Ismail Kara’s works will be analyzed as examples of thehistory-from- below approach.

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