
Until recently the problem of painful, symptomatic arthritis of the wrist secondary to congenitally incomplete separation of carpal bones has been infrequently recognized. Five patients with either excessive stress loading or trauma had eight symptomatic wrists with congenitally incomplete separation of the triquetral-lunate joint. Three of these patients had bilateral symptoms. Six of the wrists had been treated by a limited wrist arthrodesis of the triquetral-lunate joint resulting in asymptomatic wrists and improved range of motion. It appears that patients with this congenital condition poorly tolerate stress loading or trauma secondary to deficient intra-articular cartilage formation resulting in a clinical and anatomic state similar to degenerative arthritis. We suggest a limited wrist arthrodesis as definitive treatment for symptomatic congenitally incomplete separation of the triquetral-lunate joint, with possible application in incomplete separation of the other intercarpal joints.

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