
We calculate the resonance parameters (energy and width) for the doubly excited 3Po and 3Pe states in Ps− using correlated exponential wave functions. The calculations are based on the method of complex-coordinate rotation. The resonance energies and widths for the triplet P-wave Feshbach and shape resonances with both even and odd parities in Ps− ion associated with the N = 2, 3, 4, 5 Ps thresholds are reported. Our predications are in agreement with the available results. Few Feshbach and shape resonance parameters are reported for the first time in the literature. In view of a recent experiment on a singlet P-wave shape resonance state in Ps−, it is highly expected that the predications obtained from this study for the triplet P-wave resonance states will provide useful information for the future resonance experiments in Ps−. Furthermore, our findings could be found useful for the research communities of atomic physics, nuclear physics, and semiconductor quantum dots including excitons.

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