
This paper introduces a novel metamaterial absorber based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The absorber is capable of triple-mode perfect absorption, polarization independence, incident angle insensitivity, tunability, high sensitivity, and a high figure of merit (FOM). The structure of the absorber consists of a sandwiched stack: a top layer of single-layer graphene array with an open-ended prohibited sign type (OPST) pattern, a middle layer of thicker SiO2, and a bottom layer of the gold metal mirror (Au). The simulation of COMSOL software suggests it achieves perfect absorption at frequencies of fI = 4.04 THz, fII = 6.76 THz, and fIII = 9.40 THz, with absorption peaks of 99.404%, 99.353%, and 99.146%, respectively. These three resonant frequencies and corresponding absorption rates can be regulated by controlling the patterned graphene's geometric parameters or just adjusting the Fermi level (EF). Additionally, when the incident angle changes between 0~50°, the absorption peaks still reach 99% regardless of the kind of polarization. Finally, to test its refractive index sensing performance, this paper calculates the results of the structure under different environments which demonstrate maximum sensitivities in three modes: SI = 0.875 THz/RIU, SII = 1.250 THz/RIU, and SIII = 2.000 THz/RIU. The FOM can reach FOMI = 3.74 RIU-1, FOMII = 6.08 RIU-1, and FOMIII = 9.58 RIU-1. In conclusion, we provide a new approach for designing a tunable multi-band SPR metamaterial absorber with potential applications in photodetectors, active optoelectronic devices, and chemical sensors.

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