
Experiment was having two sub experiments viz., cross SPV245 x SPV 1430 (A X B) and SPV 245 x SPV 1822 (A X C). Test crosses for this experiment was obtained by crossing the 10 MS lines with both the parents and their F1’s for both the sets. In this way the each sub experiment was having 30 hybrids. Both the sub experiments were conducted in RBD with three replications following the 45 cm between rows and 10 cm between plants spacing. In present investigation difference between testers in line in both sets of TTC were significant. The total and “j+l” type of epistasis were significant for all the characters in most of the sets. In present investigation difference between testers in line in both the sets of triple test cross were significant. The total and “j+l” type of epistasis were significant for all the characters in most of the sets. Whereas, “i” type epistasis was significant for 4 and 3 characters in set SPV 245 × SPV 1430 and SPV 245 × SPV 1822, respectively. This was on account of significance of epistasis in one or other lines. Both D and H were significant for all the characters except days to maturity in set SPV 245 x SPV 1430 and ear head lenght in set SPV 245 x SPV 1822.

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