
Tripartite and bipartite quantum correlations in the three-qubit XXZ Heisenberg spin chain with two types of three-site interactions and an external magnetic field are investigated. We show that the increase in XZY − YZX interaction can enhance the robustness of both tripartite and bipartite correlations, whereas the increase in XZX $$+$$ YZY interaction could improve the robustness of tripartite quantum correlations, but diminish the robustness of bipartite quantum correlations. Tripartite measurement-induced disturbance is the most robust against temperature, and bipartite entanglement is the most fragile. Tripartite entanglement is even more robust than bipartite quantum discord when XZX $$+$$ YZY or XZY − YZX interaction is relatively large. The cooperative effect of XZX $$+$$ YZY and XZY − YZX interaction could induce bipartite entanglement even at high temperature. The cooperative effect of XZX $$+$$ YZY and XZY − YZX interaction is the most optimal to improve the robustness of all quantum correlations when the magnetic field is negative. When the magnetic field is positive, the effective of XZY − YZX interaction alone is more ideal to preserve different quantum correlations.

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