
Trip Generation rates are important for transportation engineers and planners in the Travel Demand Forecasting process as well as for Traffic Impact Studies. Trip generation by a given land use type depends on one or more factors based on the socio-economic characteristics. The Institute of Transport Engineers (ITE) publishes and updates trip generation rates for different land use types at an interval of 2-3 years. In Malaysia, the Ministry of Public Works publishes trip generation information and the latest edition was published in 2010. Both of these documents recommend that the published trip rates be verified with local data, if possible. Different researches have been conducted in the developed countries but very rare in Malaysia. This study developed trip generation rates at fast-food restaurants in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Ten fast-food locations were studied in detail. Trip rates were related to the number of parking spaces and gross floor area. However, the trip rates did not depend on the Number of Seats in the restaurants. The trip rates found in this study were lower than the ITE Trip Generation and higher than the Malaysia Trip Generation Manuals.

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