
The study aim is the creation of the tridimensional corpuscular-wave model of prokaryotic cell, and the justification of the trinity principle of energy, matter and information on the example of a genome of prokaryotes. Analysis was carried out at the junction of molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology and physics (common and quantum). It is shown that during cell cycle on the basis of DNA molecule (particle and wave) operate independently and interconnected three complex genetic systems - energetic (DNA-energy), corpuscular (DNA-particle) and informational (DNA-information). Each of them is characterized by the different nature, mechanism action and functional predestination. DNA-energy and DNA-information have the wave nature, DNA-particle – the corpuscular ones. DNA-energy associates with the work of biological harmonic oscillator, which possesses the energy and is able to lower the entropy of cell, DNA-particle forms a protein composition of cell, and DNA-information defines its species diversity. The main conclusion is that the life is realized not in one, as is accepted at the present time, and in three non-dividing and non-merging planes. Due to trinity principle a prokaryotic organisms in the thermodynamic, structural and informative relation become higher against an inanimate matter and such qualities as orderliness, particular chemical composition and species-specific organization are got.


  • It is proved, that a DNA molecule is a bearer of genetic information

  • In the words of Schroedinger [1], "a life - is orderly and regular behavior of matter... which is supported by all the time." According to the second law of thermodynamics all spontaneously proceeding processes should go in the balance direction

  • In previous work [7], we have shown that, firstly, in the interphase period the DNA molecule should exist in the form of both particles and waves simultaneously, and, secondly, a cell is a quantummechanical system, an open and closed system and an equilibrium system obeying the fundamental lows of physics, including the lows of thermodynamics

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European Journal of Biophysics

2016; 4(1): 1-7 Published online March 7, 2016 (http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/ejb) doi: 10.11648/j.ejb.20160401.11 ISSN: 2329-1745 (Print); ISSN: 2329-1737 (Online) Trinity of Genome on the Basis of DNA-Energy, DNA-Particle and DNA-Information: A Prokariotic Cell All-Russian Research Institute of Forest Genetic, Breeding and Biotechnology, Voronezh, Russia To cite this article: N. F. Kuznetsova. Trinity of Genome on the Basis of DNA-Energy, DNA-Particle and DNA-Information: A Prokariotic Cell. European Journal of Biophysics. Vol 4, No 1, 2016, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.11648/j.ejb.20160401.11

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