
Protein antigens must be taken up, processed, and displayed on the surface of antigen-presenting cells in association with major histocompatibility complex molecules before they can be recognized by T cells. Whether recognition of the haptens used to study allergic contact hypersensitivity in murine models similarly requires processing has not been determined. We analyzed whether presentation of trinitrophenol to trinitrophenol reactive T-cell hybridomas requires antigen processing by studying the effects of inhibitors of antigen processing and presentation on the ability of a syngeneic B-cell tumor (A20) to present trinitrophenol to a series of interleukin-2 producing, trinitrophenol specific, major histocompatibility complex class II-restricted T-cell hybridomas. The ability of trinitrophenol modified A20 cells to stimulate the hybridomas was completely inhibited by monoclonal, anti-trinitrophenol, or anti-Ia antibodies and was significantly reduced by paraformaldehyde fixation immediately after trinitrophenol modification. Trinitrophenol-modified A20 cultured at 37 degrees C for 2 h prior to fixation was significantly more effective at stimulating the hybridomas than trinitrophenol-modified A20 fixed immediately. The ability of A20 to present trinitrophenol was inhibited by chloroquine. Paraformaldehyde fixation and chloroquine treatment had similar effects on the ability of trinitrophenol modified lymph node dendritic cells to stimulate the trinitrophenol specific hybridomas. Paraformaldehyde fixation and chloroquine treatment had similar effects on the ability of A20 cells to present ovalbumin to ovalbumin-specific hybridomas as they had on the ability of trinitrophenol modified A20 cells to present trinitrophenol to the trinitrophenol specific hybridomas. One of seven T-cell hybridomas responded to trinitrophenol modified ovalbumin but not other trinitrophenol modified proteins. These results suggest that, at least in part, T cells in the contact hypersensitivity response to trinitrophenol recognize antigens that require processing and that trinitrophenol modified proteins can be recognized.

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