
Trimorphomyces Bandoni and Oberw. gen. nov. (Tremellaceae) includes a single species, T. papilionaceus Bandoni and Oberw. sp. nov., which parasitizes Arthrinium sphaerospermum Fckl. The sporocarps are mainly or entirely conidial at first; conidia and basidia are mixed in mature basidiocarps. The basidia are cruciately-septate, stalked. Basidiospores germinate by repetition or by budding to form a haploid yeast phase. Blastic conidia are formed successively; terminal pairs develop synchronously and conjugate before release. The conidia are H-shaped and dikaryotic. The dikaryotic conidia germinate by forming paired buds and a dikaryotic yeast phase is initiated. Dikaryotic yeast cells are produced in the same manner as the parental conidia and are released as H-shaped, conjugated pairs. In the presence of Arthrinium sphaerospermum hyphae, dikaryotic conidia or dikaryotic yeast cells germinate by hyphal and haustorial formation.

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