
Multimacrocycles, i.e., compounds in which several macrorings are covalently linked by intermolecular bridges, are promising subjects for studies due to their potential unique aggregation and complexing properties. Multicalixarenes [1], multicyclodextrins [2, 3], multiporphyrins [4–6], and combinations of different covalently linked macrocycles [7, 8] have been synthesized and are extensively studied. In the present communication we describe the synthesis of macrocyclic compounds containing uracil fragments, pyrimidinophanes, and a new method for their covalent binding with each other to obtain a multimacroring, multipyrimidinophane. At present, multipyrimidinophanes are known, in which two “monomeric” pyrimidinophane units are linked through intermolecular paraand meta-phenylenedimaleimide [9], 4,4′-diphenol [10], and methylene [11] bridges. We now report on the synthesis of multipyrimidinophane consisting of three macrocyclic units attached to the carbon atoms of 1,3,5-triazine ring via trimerization of CN groups to 1,3,5-triazine structure. Successful cyclotrimerization of nitriles to 1,3,5-triazines requires quite severe conditions (high temperature and pressure) [12]. Cyanamide derivatives undergo cyclotrimerization more readily than nitriles [13–15]. For example, dialkylcyanamides react with trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride under mild conditions to give the corresponding 1,3,5-triazines in almost quantitative yield [16, 17]. Both sterically hindered cyanamides and those containing various heteroatoms (N, O, S) in the substituents can be involved in this reaction. By reaction of 1,3-bis(5-bromopentyl)-6-methyluracil (I) with disodium cyanamide in acetonitrile we obtained 22% of pyrimidinophane II containing a cyanamide fragment in the decamethylene linker (Scheme 1). The H NMR spectrum of II was typical of other pyrimidinophanes consisting of one uracil fragment and 10 methylene group in the bridge; namely, protons in the methylene groups on the uracil nitrogen atoms (CH2 and CH2) were magnetically nonequivalent [18], and they resonated as four multiplets in the region δ 4.45–3.62 ppm. Pyrimidinophane II was treated with trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride in methylene chloride. The reaction was accompanied by heat evolution, and the product was assigned the structure of multipyrimidinophane III formed as a result of trimerization of the ISSN 1070-4280, Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013, Vol. 49, No. 7, pp. 1096–1098. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2013. Original Russian Text © A.E. Nikolaev, V.E. Semenov, I.V. Galyametdinova, L.F. Saifina, D.R. Sharafutdinova, V.S. Reznik, 2013, published in Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 2013, Vol. 49, No. 7, pp. 1110–1112.

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