
Many tissues contain multipotent stem cells that are critical for maintaining tissue function. In Caenorhabditis elegans, germline stem cells allow gamete production to continue in adulthood. In the gonad, GLP-1/Notch signaling from the distal tip cell niche to neighboring germ cells activates a complex regulatory network to maintain a stem cell population. GLP-1/Notch signaling positively regulates production of LST-1 and SYGL-1 proteins that, in turn, interact with a set of PUF/FBF proteins to positively regulate the stem cell fate. We previously described sog (suppressor of glp-1 loss of function) and teg (tumorous enhancer of glp-1 gain of function) genes that limit the stem cell fate and/or promote the meiotic fate. Here, we show that sog-10 is allelic to nhl-2. NHL-2 is a member of the conserved TRIM-NHL protein family whose members can bind RNA and ubiquitinate protein substrates. We show that NHL-2 acts, at least in part, by inhibiting the expression of PUF-3 and PUF-11 translational repressor proteins that promote the stem cell fate. Two other negative regulators of stem cell fate, CGH-1 (conserved germline helicase) and ALG-5 (Argonaute protein), may work with NHL-2 to modulate the stem cell population. In addition, NHL-2 activity promotes the male germ cell fate in XX animals.

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