
A seamless connection between the Internet and people is provided by the Internet of Things (IoT). Furthermore, lives are enhanced using the integration of the cloud layer. In the healthcare domain, a reactive healthcare strategy is turned into a proactive one using predictive analysis. The challenges faced by existing techniques are inaccurate prediction and a time-consuming process. This paper introduces an Artificial Intelligence (AI) and IoT-based disease prediction method, the TriKernel Support Vector-based Levy Gazelle (TriKSV-LG) Algorithm, which aims to improve accuracy, and reduce the time of predicting diseases (kidney and heart) in healthcare systems. The IoT sensors collect information about patients’ health conditions, and the AI employs the information in disease prediction. TriKSV utilizes multiple kernel functions, including linear, polynomial, and radial basis functions, to classify features more effectively. By learning from different representations of the data, TriKSV better handles variations and complexities within the dataset, leading to more robust disease prediction models. The Levy Flight strategy with Gazelle optimization algorithm tunes the hyperparameters and balances the exploration and exploitation for optimal hyperparameter configurations in predicting chronic kidney disease (CKD) and heart disease (HD). Furthermore, TriKSV's incorporation of multiple kernel functions, combined with the Gazelle optimization strategy, helps mitigate overfitting by providing a more comprehensive search space for optimal hyperparameter selection. The proposed TriKSV-LG method is applied to two different datasets, namely the CKD dataset and the HD dataset, and evaluated using performance measures such as AUC-ROC, specificity, F1-score, recall, precision, and accuracy. The results demonstrate that the proposed TriKSV-LG method achieved an accuracy of 98.56% in predicting kidney disease using the CKD dataset and 98.11% accuracy in predicting HD using the HD dataset.

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