
While implementing the first stage of the Pulkovo program of research on stars with large proper motions, we determined the trigonometric parallaxes of 29 stars (12m < V < 16m) based on CCD observations with a 26-inch refractor. The mean standard error was 3.7 mas. Comparison of the Pulkovo parallaxes with those obtained at the Observatory of the Yale University and the US Naval Observatory (USNO) has shown that the parallax differences (Pulkovo-Yale/USNO) lie within the limits of their measurement errors in an overwhelming majority of cases. On average, they are −0.6 ± 1.0 mas. No systematic dependences on stellar distance, magnitude, and color in this set of differences have been found. Our comparisons show that the observing and data reduction techniques used in the Pulkovo program of research on fast stars allow highly accurate trigonometric parallaxes of these objects to be obtained. All program stars are within 50 pc of the Sun; most of them belong to the immediate solar neighborhood (D < 25 pc). For two stars (J0522+3814 and J1202+3636), the trigonometric parallaxes have been determined for the first time.

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