
The discrete tone radiated from tip vortex cavitation (TVC), known as ‘vortex singing’, was recognized in 1989, but its triggering remains unclear for over thirty years. In this study, the desinent cavitation number and viscous correction are applied to describe the dynamics of cavitation bubbles and the dispersion relation of cavity interfacial waves. The wavenumber-frequency spectrum of the cavity radius from the experiment in CSSRC indicates that singing waves predominantly consist of the stationary double helical modes (kθ = 2- and -2+) and the breathing mode (kθ = 0-), rather than standing waves as assumed in previous literatures. Moreover, two trigger mechanisms, expressed by two triggering lines, are proposed: the twisted TVC, initially at rest, is driven into motion through the corrected natural frequency (fn) due to the step change of the far-field pressure. Subsequently, the frequency associated with the zero-group-velocity point (ῶzgv) at kθ = 0- is excited through ῶi, the frequency at the intersection of dispersion curves at kθ = 0- and -2+, or ῶj, the frequency at the intersection of dispersion curves at kθ = 0- and 2-, corresponding to two types of the vortex singing triggering. These solutions, without empirical parameters, are validated using singing conditions provided by CSSRC and G.T.H., respectively. Furthermore, the coherence and the cross-power spectral density spectrum indicates a large-scale breathing wave propagating along the singing cavity surface and travelling from downstream to hydrofoil tip, providing us a comprehensive understanding for the triggering of vortex singing.

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