
This study was undertaken to identify premotor neurons in the pontomedullary reticular formation serving as relay neurons between the sensory trigeminal complex and the motor nuclei of the VIIth and XIIth nerves. Trigeminoreticular projections were first investigated after injections of anterogradely transported tracers (biotinylated dextran amine, biocytin) into single subdivisions of the sensory trigeminal complex. The results show that the trigeminoreticular projections were abundant from the pars interpolaris (5i) and caudalis (5c) and moderate from pars oralis (5o) of the spinal trigeminal nucleus. Injections into the 5i and 5c produce dense anterograde labeling (1) in the dorsal medullary reticular field; (2) in the parvocellular reticular field, medially adjacent to the 5i; and (3) more rostral in the region dorsal and lateral to the superior olivary nucleus. Some labeled terminals were also found in the intermediate reticular field, whereas only light anterograde labeling was observed in the gigantocellular and oral pontine reticular formation. The 5o sends fibers and terminals throughout the whole reticular formation, with no clear preferential projections within a particular field. Only light projections originated from the principal nucleus (5P). In a second series of experiments, we examined whether premotor neurons in the reticular formation are afferented by trigeminal fibers. Double labeling was performed by injection of an anterograde tracer in the 5i and 5c and retrograde tracer (gold-horseradish peroxidase complex) into the VII or the XII motor nucleus on the same side. Retrogradely labeled neurons in contact with anterogradely labeled boutons were found throughout the reticular formation with predominance in the parvocellular and intermediate reticular fields. These experiments demonstrate the existence of trigeminal disynaptic influences, via reticular neurons of the pontomedullary reticular formation, in the control of orofacial motor behaviors.

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