
To the Editor:— Alcoholic auditory hallucinosis is a distinct clinical entity. It is probably a form of alcoholic withdrawal, but it is clearly separable from the more common syndromes, the tremulous-mixed auditory and the visual hallucinatory-epileptic-delirious states. 1 (Table) A small percentage of patients with alcoholic hallucinosis will have persistent auditory hallucinations, progressive withdrawal and suspiciousness, and eventually a delusional hallucinatory state indistinguishable from chronic paranoid schizophrenia. Currently drugs for all alcoholic withdrawal states are chosen for effectiveness in prevention of death and control of behavior. 2 Prevention of progression to chronic auditory hallucinosis should be the goal of drug therapy in alcoholic auditory hallucinosis. The following case suggests trifluoperazine is highly effective in this regard. Report of a Case:— A 54-year-old white woman was admitted with the complaint that voices were threatening her with violence. For six weeks she had been awakening at night hearing her husband's voice admitting

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