
Abstract The trietheylaluminum based ferrocenylalane (η5−C5H5)Fe[η5−C5H4Al2(C2H5)4Cl] was prepared from the reaction of triethylaluminum with chloromercuriferrocene in toluene and characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P 1 with unit cell dimensions a = 9.353(3) A, b = 10.281(7) A, c = 11.599(9) A, α = 79.64(7)°, β = 69.41(6)°, γ = 84.33(4)°, and Z = 2 for Dc = 1.27 g cm−3. Full-matrix least-squares refinement has led to a final R factor of 0.068 based on 1866 independent observed reflections. The two diethylaluminum units are bridged by a chlorine atom and one carbon atom of a cyclopentadienyl group, thus forming an Al-Cl-Al-C ring. The four-membered ring is planar to within 0.02 A. The Al-Cl distances are 2.404(4) A and 2.266(5) A. The Al-Cl-Al angle is 78.9(1)° while the Al-C-Al angle is 91.3(4)°. No significant aluminum-iron interaction is observed (Al… Fe = 3.137(4) A).

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