
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes Vd. Atlante della Competitività, Unioncamere-Tagliacarne, http://www.unioncamere.gov.it/Atlante Ibid. Morris, J. (2001): Trieste and the Meaning of Nowhere. Paperback, Cambridge: vdf. Torbianelli, V. (2009): Il mare non bagna Barcola, in Corbellini G., Marin A., (eds): 97 + 104 = dieci idee, immagini, progetti per Trieste. EUT, Trieste: vdf, 18–21. Marin, A. (2006): Il porto Vecchio di Trieste da vuoto urbano a risorsa per la città. XII International congress – Industrial Heritage and urban transformation productive territories and industrial landscape: vdf. Semerani, L; Tamaro, G. (1974): Relazione alla prima fase del Piano Particolareggiato della A1 – Centro Storico di Trieste, Ed. Comune di Trieste, Trieste: vdf. Dati a cura di Samer & Co, http://www.adriaticseanetwork.it Marchigiani, E.; Zanette, D., (2011): Green(S) trip. Un laboratorio di indagine territoriale per Trieste Sud-Est, EUT-Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste. Additional informationNotes on contributorsVittorio TorbianelliVittorio Torbianelli is Associate Professor in Applied Economics at the University of Trieste. After graduating in Transport Economics at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Trieste, he wrote his PhD thesis in Transport Economics on railways infrastructure charges. He began his official teaching career in 2001 at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Trieste, where he teaches courses in transport economics, urban economics, maritime economics and industrial economics. Vittorio's research interests center on regional development and social and economic local impacts of port activities. His work includes advice on planning and evaluating transport plans, urban and regional plans and territorial management and development processes, with specific reference to ports and coastal areas and to tourism development plans. His role as university Professor and researcher specialized in the topics of urban economics and in particular port economics has enabled him to gain experience in the coordination of international activities concerning research on regional, urban and port development (for example: an INTERREG project on sustainable development in cross-border territories between Italy and Slovenia, the PHARE City Twinning Project, involving Italy and Ukraine on the opening of maritime routes, etc.). vittorioalberto.torbianelli@arch.units.itTeresa FrausinTeresa Frausin is Ph.D. student in Science of Engineering – Integrated planning of architecture and civil engineering at the University of Trieste, XXVII cycle. She graduated with honours at the Faculty of Architecture of Trieste with a thesis exploring new typologies for educational and cultural facilities as cores for spatial and social renewal in deprived social housing neighbourhoods. She collaborated with several architecture offices in Trieste and as assistant at the courses of the laboratories of Urban Design III at the Faculty of Architecture of Trieste. Moreover, she was involved in researches of local and national interest exploring the interaction between infrastructures and territories; between urban policies and the cruise sector; the design of school facilities for children education. teresa.frausin@gmail.com

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